Free Genealogy Research: Here’s How

Vicki’s note – article from By Melanie Mayo, Family History Daily Editor.

Be sure and look at “Genealogy Links and Electronic Helps” on the banner at the top of the BLOG. You can connect there to the steadily increasing links that I  add continuously .  The first part are the many free links on the Beloit Public Library webpage.   

There are many, many more links that I have organized by subjects/categories.  My very favorite is the collection of links submitted by an elementary after-school group of children who found my BLOG and enjoyed it so much, that they wanted to share with us the sites that they had found helpful in their own searching for a family history project.  

History at Home: A Guide to Genealogy –  a Special Site Shared with Us by                             the After-School Students doing a Family Tree Project

  I am thankful for all of you, and the great genealogy and history discoveries that I make with you in mind.  Besides, I get the benefit of having easy access to these links as well.  I love learning about these connections.  Happy Thanksgiving:

No, You DON’T Need a Paid Subscription to Do Genealogy Research: Here’s Why

If you have been doing family history research for a while, you are probably fully aware of the fact that there are many free genealogy sites available to you. But for those that are just starting out, it can be very hard to see past the well-promoted paid subscription sites and many people become frustrated when trying to locate records and resources that are actually free.

While paid genealogy websites do offer many excellent resources for family historians, and sometimes provide records that you will have a hard time finding elsewhere, you do not need one of these subscriptions to build a family tree. In fact, restricting yourself to paid sites means that you will miss a huge number of records available elsewhere. So whether you are having a hard time affording a paid option, or are simply looking to expand your research in new directions, the following resources will help you explore your family’s history at no cost to you.

 Read the rest of the article here.

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